These are the performance scales taught at Sage University ( It takes some time to understand them.
Just know they exist and see how there are 10 levels that are above the line and 10 levels below the line. They are like maps and you can see where you are at during the day. It's interesting to see. You are welcome to print these.

- Check out where "caring" is on the psychological states one (Lesson #46) or "hope" (Lesson #82). You would think they are above the line but they are actually very heavy.

- Check out where "rage" and "paranoia". They are very heavy. (Lesson #81 and #87)

- Check out where "romance" is in the Relationship performance scale. It's -4. It shuts down the heart and makes you go into revenge. (Lesson #52 and #53)

All 100 lessons touch upon how to keep yourself above the line on every performance scale. Please call Mariana Cortez if you have any questions on how to master this lesson (512) 636-8846 in the US. Sometimes it needs an "experience" to understand the lesson with your heart and playfulness instead of your mind. You have a free 30 minutes Language of Connection session over coffee or Skype with Mariana Cortez. Then any other day if you want you can schedule a 60 minute session for $60.

You can send this link to your friends for them to order THE LANGUAGE OF CONNECTION for only $200 and so you can all speak the same language if you want to:

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