Here are the different aliveness levels that get opened up with the different tools that we will show you how to use in each lesson. There are 100 lessons, 10 tools, 10 levels of aliveness and three areas get opened up (The INSPIRED MIND the HEART and the LIBIDO OR PLAYFULNESS). When you are in the + levels, the attention is off of yourself. When you are in the - levels, your ego has taken over and the attention is on you and you think everything is about you. Whenever you say "me" or "I", it's the ego selling stories to you on how "small" you are and you buying these stories. The ego is there for you to put the attention on yourself. You will read many times that we talk about your energy going up or down. It's an easy way to say that throughout your conversations and situations of the day, you may go up and down these levels of aliveness. The Language of Connection makes you more aware of where you are at and how to stay "light" and attract what you want:

Please call Mariana Cortez if you have any questions on how to master this lesson (512) 636-8846 in the US. Sometimes it needs an "experience" to understand the lesson with your heart and playfulness instead of your mind. You have a free 30 minutes Language of Connection session over coffee, Skype or WhatsApp video with Mariana Cortez. Then later if you want you can schedule a 30 minute session for $30 and/or a 60 minute session for $60.

You can send this link to your friends for them to order THE LANGUAGE OF CONNECTION for only $200 so you can all speak the same language if you want to: thelanguageofconnection.teachable.com

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