When you were a baby and a toddler, you emitted energy and love. You had no opinions or judgments or stories about anyone. People gave you unconditional love. Unconditional because you didn't have to do anything to get love, food, attention, a caress. Everything was just given to you. The world was yours! You were curious about everything. You touched and licked everything! You had a blast! Life was such an adventure. You were tranquil too because you could play with a leaf for hours. Then you start growing up and you expressed everything with your voice too (by screaming) and the adults around you would ask you to quiet down. Your expression and inspiration started to get shut down right there. Then you got placed in school at around 5 years old. Your heart started to get shut down because all of a sudden you had to bring good grades to get love from your parents and teachers. Love became "conditional" now instead of unconditional. Your sense of belonging and excitement was shut down also. You did not know these adults anymore. They were not the same warm people you knew. It seemed like they were not on your team anymore. Then as you became a teenager, the hormones and the body wanted pleasure and the systems in our society shut that down too. And also if you wanted to have any kind of pleasure like a piece of chocolate cake or ice cream or time with your friends, it could be given to you only after you finished a chore. So pleasure was programmed in you only as a reward. You had to work for pleasure. As a young adult you start seeing how life is not just going to high school to meet your friends at the dance anymore. Your trust shuts down. Life puts you to work. You become fearful with the bills that keep coming. You blame everything and everyone. You are tired and resentful. You thought life was so wonderful. You become sad and "longing" for that time. By now you are just a shadow of yourself and since you are not getting what you want: you have a job you don't like, you work with people you don't like and that you did not pick, and you try to impress people that are not even your "tribe", you sometimes pour your pain on people too. What a mess!! The good news is that there is a way out of this. You can gain back your aliveness with the tools shown in the Language of Connection. Ten levels get opened up so you can feel like yourself again. The Language of Connection points out what you already know deep inside but has been covered by years of programs and enculturation. These three parts get opened wide: the mind, the heart and the playfulness (libido). The body is like a zipper. If any one of these parts is closed, then you are closed. The energy does not flow through your whole body or system. You are not as magnetic as you were when you were a toddler. Everything can open.

What's your score? Please do not worry if they are not all 10 or if none of them are 10. These are just questions for you to see which levels of aliveness you were not aware of and for you to see how much The Language of Connection is going to support you!

1) From 1 to 10 how much do you trust people?

(1 being that you don't trust they will do what they say and

10 being that you completely trust that they will do what they say)

(Lessons #1 - #9)

2) From 1 to 10 how much "break time" do you allow yourself?

(1 being that you don't take breaks at all and

10 being that you take a break every time you need it)

(Lessons #10 - #16)

3) From 1 to 10 how excited are you about the job or business project that you have?

(1 being that you go just to get a paycheck and

10 being that you could do that 14 hours a day)

(Lesson #17 - #39)

4) From 1 to 10 how much are you at peace with the results you have every day?

(1 being that you don't like the results at all and

10 being that you want that kind of result every day)

(Lesson #17 - #39)

5) From 1 to 10 how much do you give warmth to people?

(1 being that you are doing doing doing and not really acknowledging people because you are busy and

10 being that you make sure you give one acknowledgement to people every single time you see them even if you have seen them twice that day)

Acknowledgements are not complements. You acknowledge someone by pointing out what they "do" well that you see. It has to be with an action verb in it.

(Lesson #40 - #53)

6) From 1 to 10 how much do you say what you need to say?

(1 being you never say what needs to be said to not cause a stir and

10 that you ALWAYS say something no matter how it cones out)

(Lesson #54 - #66)

7) From 1 to 10 how much do people invite you to places or to projects?

(1 that they never invite you and 10 that you get one invitation a day)

(Lesson #17 - #39)

8) From 1 to 10 how much peace do you have when things don't go your way?

(1 being that you don't like it at all when things don't go your way and you get frustrated and

10 being that you yield to things, accept things and can play with situations every single time when things don't go your way)

(Lesson #67 - #79)

9) From 1 to 10 how much REAL connection do you have with people in general?

(1 being that there's a nice conversation but not really a connection and you formed an opinion of them before even having a conversation with them and

10 being that you REALLY "SAW" this person and accepted him/her 100%).

(Lesson #80 - #85)

10) From 1 to 10 how much do you contemplate the present moment?

(1 being that you are always at a task and thinking about the next task or the things you have to do in the next hour and

10 being that you are fully aware of the present task at hand no matter how routine that task is)

(Lesson #86 - #100)

The Language of Connection describes how you "play" in life. There are 100 lessons and as you read each lesson, you will sense that all of them improve your "vision" and they add clarity exponentially. You will read the description of each lesson. Then each one has an "instruction" that gives you "homework" to practice. Then there is a list of possible resistances that you may encounter during your day so you can compare when you have connection or not, when you have attraction or not, when you are turning people on or off. Resistances stop the money flow and stop the connection with yourself, your loved ones, your co-workers, neighbors or anyone. If you do any of these, the high "magnetism" and aliveness that you feel in you, goes down because you are shutting down any of these three areas: The mind, the heart and/or the playfulness (libido). If you resist, you are not being the powerful high performance level person the team needs (your family team or business team). These lessons are like the lessons the "Karate Kid" was taught. At first you will not understand them and you will not see the reason why they would ever work!! The Karate kid did not know why he was waxing cars, cleaning floors, painting the fence. All these lessons prepare you for your big life game. They open up doors and new possibilities!! You are one step ahead of others. A lot of people don't want to see their egos. You are so brave!

How will you "play"? Don't worry. It's just a game!! You have permission to do it all wrong. Some of these lessons may be extreme but just try them so you can compare to the results you are getting with how you react now. These lessons are for you to get out of your mind and get results from the heart and your playfulness. You will be more aware where money and/or love is leaking. They are areas that have been shut down with all the programs that you were raised with. They are not bad programs or wrong. You can compare results. That's all! The sole purpose of this language is to keep the connection with the people you want to keep in your life and to improve the productivity and quality of life. The language of connection will keep you open to receive and will keep your level of magnetism high!! It inspires you to speak to people as if you were talking to the person you most admire. It's also basically how a 3 year old would tell you to lead your life. Three year olds are the masters of magnetism. It all depends on what you want. What do you want?

Complete and Continue