(COLLABORATION TOOL LESSON ---- brings trust to your life)

DESCRIPTION: You can be free as a bird. Everything falls into place no matter what you do. You attach to outcomes or people and that's where your energy goes down. If you are attached to an outcome, you are attached to this ONE outcome. You have put limits on yourself. And pressure. If you detach from the end result, you open up endless possibilities. The result could be smaller but the learning could be big. Or the result could be bigger than you were attached to. The outcome that is "meant to be" can only happen when you let go of the control. Influencing with your heart and your trust is different. You keep yourself in action AND you make sure you are detached. You "do" and run around and hustle AND with trust. This way is how you keep the connection with yourself and/or with your team. Nobody is wrong. Everyone feels all right. You give feedback to your team (Lesson#60) and you can point out what worked and what didn't work with facts and no emotion (no blaming, no anger in your voice). You give them a game for next time. When you are detached, you are in the abundance vibration. And you show people that you want to be on their team by not pressuring them with attachment. You can influence that things get done with warmth instead of harshness. All that harshness is called "work mode".


Do not attach to the end result. Do not think of the future repercussions that could happen if this one result does not happen. Just have a firm intent. Keep your eye on the goal and trust that you already have it and detach. Amuse yourself if it doesn't get reached. Truly amuse yourself. Just see facts of what wasn't done. Do not put a blame "vibration" in this facts that you see. Live and play your business game or relationship game like the end result is "life or death" AND at the same time sense the whole protection of your game towards you. It kept you going. Thank "your game". Do not make yourself wrong if you did not reach your goal. Just play. Do not make anyone wrong that did not reach their goal. Do not give them advice. Just observe. Give feedback if you want. (Lesson #56 / Lesson #73 & #74 / Lesson #60). (All this is what a toddler would do and as an adult if you do this you keep your connection and your power. When you follow these instructions, your level of trust opens and you are open to receive.)

You are "in resistance" if you do any of these behaviors below. A resistance "leaks" money and/or love AND stops your momentum of your results, your adventure and aliveness. When you have a resistance or a mood, you block $10,000 of income. People create a memory of your reactions and behaviors and then decide to stay around or distance themselves. You don't have to keep everyone happy. It's not about that. It's about keeping the team spirit up in case you want to keep those particular people around (family or business). It's also about keeping the connection so you support yourself and the team at hand to create and receive possibilities that individually could not have been possible. Everyone gets clear instead of "blurry" without the pressure or obstacles these resistances create. When you drop these resistances (distractions), you have a better chance of becoming one of the 2% of high performers in the world. You can only drop these resistances with the help of your heart not with your mind.

All these resistances listed below create disconnection to yourself and the people around you. The ego is the one that wants you to feel small and wants everything to seem small. All these are when you are "in your head" where the ego is. The team "spirit" (of a business team or family team) goes down if:

• If you attach to the end result.

• If you say things in a way that in the back of your mind you want this "one" outcome.

• If you have an agenda and talk to someone about how much you want this "one" result.

• If you share how painful it could be if this "one" result does not happen.

• If you feel and really think that you don't have this end result right now. Even if it's true that the result has not happened yet, your level of belief is low you are sabotaging yourself.

• If you criticize yourself that this lack of result happens over and over to you. This is having the attention on yourself. It lowers your energy.

• If you make anyone wrong that is attached to an end result.

• If you give advice trying to make anyone detach from the end result.

• If you don't stop to observe that they are just coming from a shut down level of aliveness.

:::: Basically nothing is wrong or right. It just is. This way you keep your power and momentum.

If you attach to the end result, your energy will go down. If you don't attach to the end result, it does not mean that people will be attracted to you immediately. It takes time to build trust and connection and there are many factors. You are "trying people out for your team. Not everyone will make it. Some are too addicted to pain and want to stay in the fight. You can let them go as quick as possible. They might come around later in a gentler mode but you can't force it. This is why there are 100 lessons. Please practice and study them all until the end so your connection understanding is complete. Please call Mariana Cortez if you have any questions on how to master this lesson (512) 636-8846 in the US. Sometimes it needs an "experience" to understand the lesson with your heart and playfulness instead of your mind. You have a free 30 minutes Language of Connection session over coffee or Skype with Mariana Cortez. Then any other day if you want you can schedule a 60 minute session for $60.

You can send this link to your friends for them to order THE LANGUAGE OF CONNECTION for only $200 and so you can all speak the same language if you want to:

Every single lesson is a review of what I learned at Sage University (www.sageuniversity.com) in this particular topic of this lesson. Check out their calendar tab. You could go to Europe to take a class over there! Sage University has amazing workshops about relationship, leadership, salesmanship and entrepreneurship in Ibiza Spain (and everywhere including Bora Bora and Hawaii) where you can transform into that person that you were born to be.

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